“J-CyberPunk shock for you-// Cyberpunk + Industrial + Goth + Deathrock x Manga = PSYDOLL”
Military, commercial, and household robots currently produced and sold by general companies such as S@NY, Yotsubishi, Matsugami Electric Works, Tachi, and Sasoyo are usually called DOLL, whereas PSYDOLL ( Psycho
-Doll) refers to illegal robots that have been manufactured or modified without permission for other purposes.
Since DOLL products are closely related to human life and can pose a threat to human life in the event of a problem, their safety standards are set at an excessively high level in developed countries. It is provided.
On the other hand, PSYDOLLs that have been illegally manufactured or modified are not only questionable about their safety, but also have the potential to lead to serious accidents (in fact, just under 30% of fatal accidents in Japan last year involved PSYDOLLs ) . Although the government is dealing with severe punishment for bootlegging or modifying PSYDOLLs, cheap PSYDOLLs using cheap parts from Asian countries satisfy personal tastes. The illegally modified PSYDOLLs , the underground production of PSYDOLLs, and the street sales of PSYDOLLs continue unabated.
PSYDOLLs are to be reported as soon as they are discovered, captured, and disposed of.
Several specific models of PSYDOLL are wanted, and posters similar to those of fugitives from extremist or religious groups have been posted at key points in police boxes, stations, and airports.
It is quite easy to replace the face and body parts of PSYDOLL itself, but many of the PSYDOLLs that are being arranged have specific personalities and tastes built into their files, so many of them are not original. They don’t really like changing their faces, age, or gender settings, and many of them continue to run away by disguising themselves or using false names as if they were human criminals.
In addition, even if the company name, type, etc., and model version are official, problems are later discovered with the model or lot, and even though a recall order has been issued, the company is reluctant to recall or destroy it and somehow avoids it. The robot being ordered is sometimes referred to as a PSYDOLL .
Live-Psydoll +
The Brickyard, Carlisle. July 15, 2005
BBC Web England Cumbria Review by Robbo
“Then I’ll show you something completely different.”
As the Monty Python announcer says in the first place, Psydoll is just that.It was something completely different.
You might think it’s just another three-piece rock band, but one of them is a woman…
And all the members are Japanese! What on earth is going on here?
And then it started…a crunching, crashing, electronic heavy metal sound.
Soundtrack for a series of late-night manga corners. It’s J-pop from the Nine Inch Nails generation.
Dressed in a head-to-toe cosplay dress, Kaname’s cute Neoki clutches a microphone along with a portable keyboard and sings in unforgettable fashion.
The lyrics flowing over the audience are all in Japanese, but that doesn’t really matter.
It’s a sound and a feeling, and it covers the unfeeling elements (the parts you can’t feel) that are counted.
While playing the guitar, Ucchi to the left of Neoki (Nekoi’s mistake
lol) is as still as a rock.
Looking like an extra from the movie Blade Runner, he was the life and death of the guitar throughout.
To the right of Neoki, standing, jumping and dancing, Loveless
(Uenoyama) is an extraordinary percussionist.
He uses electronic drum pads, cymbals, tom-toms, and theremins all with an electronic beat, and strums the theremin.
A surreal band, PSYDOLL. It’s really Saidor.
“Electro Post Punk from Northampton”
Review of Time Lapse 1989 – 1994 “This is the true avant-garde sound, but it came about when the term no longer had the impact it had in the early eighties. Compilation that seeks the most emblematic moments of the three albums (“Totem”, “Pandora’s Box” and “Luna Tide”) edited in the period indicated by the title. Post-punk, gothic rock and a dose of experimentalism that make us have a set of songs that is both dated and emblematic of a genre that has a very specific spirit†-Fernando Ferreira, WOM
“Another band with Sci-fi leanings are Northampton’s darkwave duo VENUS FLY TRAP. Like an uninvited guest they knock on your cranium with insanely catchy riffs and once inside they’re not leaving. Opening with their 1986 debut single, the addictive ‘Morphine’, vocalist Alex Novak and guitarist Andy Denton share an undeniable chemistry as a punchy ‘Sabotage’ follows along with the car crash that is ‘James Dean’. Latest single ‘Vitesse’ gets an airing and, despite the decades that separate these songs, it’s a really cohesive gig. Two choice covers close their set, first Suicides ‘Rocket USA’ and then the Cramps ‘Human Fly’. VFT have been quite active recently and it’s paying off with some really tight performances and tonight’s gig makes them many new admirers.”
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